Sunday, August 26, 2007

What a great lesson, LORD, to magnify Your name even in difficult times.
You have brought home Si Qiu, and at the same time, made us all learn to love you, to treasure people, and to even magnify Your name in these circumstances.

I don't want to shed a tear of grieve. Not to Si Qiu, that he has gone. But to Si Qiu, that i am joyful that you are with the LORD.

Be joyful, my friends and family of Si Qiu. Because the LORD has brought Si Qiu to his care and protection, and that he will never ever anymore suffer in the evil grasp of the world.

One lesson i have learned from you, Si Qiu, is to smile. Smile widely, and having the joy and happiness in God. I want too, to smile widely, and spread it across to everyone around me. And you, have affected me too.

Si Qiu, see you in heaven one day. And then, we shall worship the LORD together as friends and family again.

In rememberance of my dear friend, Ho Si Qiu. 26 August 2007, Sunday.

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